Bag End

A blog dedicated to the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, particularily The Lord of the Rings.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Strider (FOTR)- by Hildie

The first sentence of this chapter is one that should never have had to be written. "Frodo, Pippin, and Sam made their way back to the parlour." They should never have left it in the first place! They could still have had their good company and beer etc... and didn't hobbits try to avoid strangers, especially hobbits trying to leave in secret? ARGH! Same old complaint as last chapter, thank goodness we can move on now. But where is that Merry lad, at least he didn't go blundering around in the main common room, but he's not here in the parlor either!

Strider! Well what do we think of this guy? I think that the reaction of the hobbits is spot on! But you get this feeling that you're able to trust him just through reading it. He's giving too much accurate information, and "seems" like he's not evil. Butterbur again shows he needs a swift kick in the butt to jog his memory. Finally gives Frodo his letter! Argh! Wouldn't that have been nice to get before now Mr. Frodo, Sir....?

The letter clears a few things up, but now we've just got to decide if this Strider is the "real" Strider. Loved the comment Frodo makes about how the enemy would "Seem fairer but feel fouler" and Strider's comment of "So you mean I seem foul and feel fair, is that it?" It was great!

I thought that it was cool how Gandalf included Aragorn's poem in his letter, and very cool when Strider started saying a few lines. There is one particular line in this that ALWAYS manages to choke me up a bit. I have to include it here, because I find it very moving. Actually I'm going to include the bit leading up to it as well because I think it's one of the most well written introductions ever.

Sam speaking "You never mentioned Gandalf, till this letter came out. You might be a play-acting spy, for all I can see, trying to get us to go with you. You might have done in the real Strider and took his clothes. What have you to say to that?"

"'That you are a stout fellow,' Strider says, 'but I am afraid my only answer to you, Sam Gamgee, is this. If I had killed the real Strider, I could kill you. And I should have killed you already without so much talk. If I was after the Ring, I could have it -- NOW!'

He stood up, and seemed suddenly to grow taller. In his eyes gleamed a light, keen and commanding. Throwing back his cloak, he laid his hand on the hilt of a sword that had hung concealed by his side. They did not dare to move. Same sat wide-mouthed staring at him dumbly.

'But I am the real Strider, fortunately,' he said, looking down at them with his face softeneed by a sudden smile. ' I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, and if by life or death I can save you, I will.'"

What a great introduction!

When Merry finally gets back you get that well known feeling of Dread yet again. The Riders are coming! They know Frodo and the Ring are in Bree, and there's no escape!

At least Strider is smart, even if the others don't seem to be! He's got them sleeping in one room all together, doors blocked, with him watching over them. Hopefully the riders fall for the other room, and they don't get caught! How can these silly hobbits just drop off to sleep! I think that I'd never be able to sleep again if I saw those riders!!!!?