Bag End

A blog dedicated to the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, particularily The Lord of the Rings.

Monday, March 14, 2005

In The House of Tom Bombadil (FOTR) by Hildie

Wow, the time for this chapter went really fast. In fact, today I thought I'd better look at the calendar and make sure I didn't have to do it because I was planning on doing it tomorrow, but as I noticed the "due date" (though I am aware they are flexible) was today so here I am, with rings on my fingers and bells on my toes! So let's see what I can come up with!

As I mentioned before Tom Bombadil is one of my favorite characters. If my Dad were any Tolkien character he would probably be Tom Bombadil (though that isn't his favorite character). The goofy, lighthearted manner, the sing-song speaking, the fact that he's a fabulous host and good at making his guests comfortable, not to mention giving them a safe haven to rest and relax... what more could you want in a guy? Especially for those hobbits who have been through quite a bit since leaving the lovely Bag End.

I adore Goldberry even though she doesn't actually play much of a role. I think that she's just there for comfort, and for beauty. She is very elven in my opinion, though I don't necessarily think that she is any way an elf. I think she is very intelligent, and somehow her manner of speaking and grace and actions remind me a bit of Galadriel later on. Is that just me?

How cool is it that the Ring holds absolutely NO power over Tom!?! I thought it was great what he did with it, and then to see Frodo's reaction. It just goes to show that the dark powers don't hold all the land in their hand yet, especially where Tom is at!

So they'll be setting off from his place and having to cross close to the Barrow Downs... he's taught them that rhyme to sing if they get into trouble. Even though he's very silly, fun and gentle we can obviously see he's got great power and is a force to be reckoned with. Just by saying that rhyme aloud the hobbits would be heard by Tom no matter where in his land they were travelling. VERY INTERESTING! But the question now is, will they have to use it, ring a ding dillo!?

Now back to the world outside. While we're here with Tom it's easy to forget what's after the hobbits, and easy to forget that Gandalf hasn't shown up. What happens when they get back on the road and where are those Black Riders now? What happened to Gandalf? How close to Rivendell are they now that they've made it through the Old Forest? How long will it take them to get through the Barrow Downs? Barrow Downs...

Wonder if the hobbits are thinking about that sort of thing as they're resting at Tom and Goldberry's place?

Now to the movie portion of this chapter, or shall I say the lack of it? Truthfully I can understand why it was left out of both the animated version and Peter Jackson's version. It doesn't do much to forward the story. It is simply one of those sideline events that Tolkien is so fond of, and writes so well. It is also a break for the reader and for the hobbits. Tolkien is very good at pacing so that it's not frantic the entire time. I think he likes those "calm before the storm" moments!

Great chapter, really enjoyed it! "Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo! Ring a dong! hop along! fal lal the willow! Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadilllo!"

Now on to the Barrow Downs make sure to pass them on the west side!!!!!!